Editorial Guidelines



Footie Center is committed to delivering high-quality, independent journalism that serves our audience with accuracy, fairness, and integrity. Our mission is to provide in-depth coverage of the football world while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethical reporting. These guidelines establish the core principles and expectations for all individuals contributing to Footie Center’s editorial content.

These guidelines will evolve as the digital publishing landscape changes, but our core values remain the same: accuracy, thoroughness, and fairness. All staff members and contributors must adhere to these guidelines, and any violation may result in disciplinary action, including termination of association with Footie Center.


Journalists must always identify themselves as representatives of Footie Center when conducting interviews or reporting.

  • Always obtain proper consent before recording conversations, especially in non-public settings. Ensure subjects are aware they are being recorded, ideally confirming verbally on record.
  • Maintain thorough notes and recordings of all interviews for accuracy and accountability. Retain these records for at least two years in case verification is required.
  • Respect privacy laws, avoid trespassing, and conduct all reporting in a legal and ethical manner.
  • Any special agreements made with interview subjects (such as conducting an interview via email rather than in person) should be disclosed to the reader.
  • Reporters must obtain approval before requesting media credentials for events. Credentials must never be used for personal purposes.
  • Avoid communicating sensitive information via unsecured digital platforms. Use encrypted apps for confidential sources, if necessary.

Sourcing of Information

The use of anonymous sources is sometimes necessary, but should be approached cautiously:

  • Whenever anonymity is granted, the reasons for it should be discussed between the reporter and editor before publication.
  • Footie Center aims to describe anonymous sources as clearly as possible while maintaining confidentiality.
  • All anonymous sources must be disclosed to the editor, and their credibility must be assessed before publication.
  • Relying on a single source is permissible only if the source has firsthand knowledge and has a track record of reliability. Two secondhand sources do not equate to one firsthand source.
  • If information is obtained from another media outlet, its reliability must be verified before publication. Anonymous reports from other outlets should be corroborated independently whenever possible.
  • Journalists must understand and adhere to the nuances of “off the record,” “not for attribution,” and “for background” agreements with sources.

In all cases, accuracy takes precedence over speed. It is always better to be last and right than first and wrong.


Transparency is critical to maintaining trust with our audience. To ensure our credibility:

  • Journalists must avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any affiliations that might compromise their impartiality.
  • Reporters who have collaborated on books or projects with a subject should refrain from reporting on them to prevent bias.
  • Accepting gifts, travel, accommodations, or other benefits that could be perceived as influencing reporting is strictly prohibited. Exceptions may be made only with editorial leadership’s approval.
  • Staff members may not endorse products or services unless explicitly permitted by Footie Center.

Legal Considerations

Journalists must retain notes and recordings for a reasonable period to ensure accuracy and accountability.

  • No staff member may turn over interview notes, documents, or unpublished materials to third parties without legal compulsion or approval from Footie Center’s leadership.
  • In legal matters, Footie Center’s legal department will provide guidance and representation as necessary.


To uphold fairness in reporting:

  • Subjects of critical stories must be given an opportunity to respond before publication.
  • When writing about organizations or individuals, allow them to fact-check claims or allegations where applicable.

Attribution & Plagiarism

Proper attribution is essential to journalistic integrity:

  • When using information from other sources, cite and link to the original content.
  • Do not use another author’s original expressions or copyrighted material without explicit permission.
  • Plagiarism—presenting someone else’s work as your own—is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.

Corrections Policy

Mistakes should be corrected transparently and promptly:

  • Serious factual errors require an editor’s note at the top of the article.
  • Less consequential mistakes, such as typos, should be corrected immediately, with acknowledgment if flagged by a reader.
  • Corrections should clearly state the incorrect and correct information without repeating the error unnecessarily.

Personal Conduct

All contributors to Footie Center must maintain professionalism in their work, both in person and online:

  • Conduct in press areas, locker rooms, and official events must be professional and neutral.
  • Alcohol and drug use while covering an event is strictly prohibited.
  • Social media usage should align with Footie Center’s professional standards and not compromise journalistic integrity.

Political Opinions and Public Life

Journalists at Footie Center must remain neutral and avoid actions that compromise our editorial independence:

  • Staff members should not publicly express political opinions or participate in political campaigns.
  • Political donations, fundraising for candidates, and participation in rallies or advocacy movements are prohibited if they risk impartiality in reporting.
  • Journalists may engage in charitable and community activities, but must disclose any involvement if the subject of their reporting overlaps with their personal affiliations.

Sports Betting Policy

  • Reporters covering leagues or teams must not bet on those leagues to prevent conflicts of interest.
  • Any staff members involved in sports betting coverage must ensure that their work remains independent and does not create a conflict of interest.

These guidelines are fundamental to the integrity of Footie Center. If you have any concerns or questions, consult the editorial leadership team.